The human hand is often used as the gold standard or goal for robotic manipulation, and haptic perception and illustration are often used to illustrate sophisticated robots and AIs. However, despite our fascination for anthropomorphic robotic hands, the trend in industrial applications and robotic challenges is to use simpler designs consisting of parallel grippers or suction cups. This trend is not necessarily only due to the complexity of matching the human hand's dexterity, robustness and perceptual capabilities but also to the reality that anthropomorphic hands may not be required to achieve the human skill level. For instance, the winner of the Amazon Picking Challenge used an end effector based on a suction system. In the DARPA Robotics Challenge, 15 of 25 teams used an underactuated hand with three or four fingers (Piazza et al., 2019), while none of the remaining ten teams used a fully actuated anthropomorphic hand (Piazza et al., 2019). Even in the Cybathlon, the winner of the Powered Arm Prosthesis Race used a body-powered hook (Piazza et al., 2019).
In addition, the synergistic combination of all three subsystems, including the mechanical aspects, perception, and control, might be more critical than an anthropomorphic robotic hand to match and potentially surpass human dexterous manipulation capabilities.
All of which prompts the question of whether we need anthropomorphic robotic hands. This thesis aims to answer this question from a multi-objective optimization point of view.
Goals of the thesis
Implement a Genetic Algorithm or another multi-objective optimization algorithm to develop a general-purpose robotic manipulator. The manipulator could be based on the human hand, ideally reducing complexity while keeping most of its dexterity.
Prior Knowledge or interest
Machine Learning
Verwandte Arbeiten:
Cheney, N., MacCurdy, R., Clune, J., & Lipson, H. (2013). Unshackling Evolution: Evolving Soft Robots with Multiple Materials and a Powerful Generative Encoding. Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO), 167–174.
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Faure, F., Duriez, C., Delingette, H., Allard, J., Gilles, B., Marchesseau, S., Talbot, H., Courtecuisse, H., Bousquet, G., Peterlik, I., & Cotin, S. (2012). SOFA: A Multi-Model Framework for Interactive Physical Simulation. In Y. Payan (Ed.), Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery (pp. 283–321). Springer.
Piazza, C., Grioli, G., Catalano, M. G., & Bicchi, A. (2019). A Century of Robotic Hands. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2(1), 1–32.
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